How To Protect Your Health as an Employee
Protecting your health and safety at work is increasingly challenging given the rapid spread of illnesses like COVID-19, especially when conducting close-contact services.
To help you improve your workplace safety, we’ve created the below Healthier Workplaces guidance documents to provide specific and easy-to-follow recommendations. The guidance was created with the latest Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) advice and resources from other leading health and government organizations.

Amateur Sports
Explore how to safely engage in amateur sports, including expert recommendations for coaches, athletes, and spectators.

Childcare Centers
Read our Healthier Workplaces: Guidance for Childcare Centers, 2nd edition guidelines for proven strategies to help protect childcare workers and the children and parents or guardians from the health risks they face, including tips to avoid COVID-19.

Protect yourself and fellow construction workers against worksite health risks using these resources and guidance documents.

Bar & Restaurant
Learn how restaurant and bar staff can protect their health in tightly packed spaces.

Gyms and Workout Facilities
Access our Healthier Workplaces: Guidance for Gyms and Workout Facilities, 2nd edition, guidelines for proven strategies to help protect gym workers and customers from the health risks they face, including tips to avoid COVID-19.

K-12 Schools & Colleges
Learn about ways that school and college employees and faculty can protect themselves and their students against health and safety risks.

strategies to help protect employees and visitors from the health risks they face, including tips to avoid COVID-19.

Museums and Collecting Institutions
Access our Healthier Workplaces: Guidance For Museums and Other Cultural Heritage and Collecting Institutions, 2nd edition guidelines for proven strategies to help protect employees and visitors from the health risks they face, including tips to avoid COVID-19.

Outdoor Recreation
Access our Healthier Workplaces guidance document for the outdoor recreation industry for proven strategies to help protect workers and visitors from the health risks they face, including tips to avoid COVID-19.

Understand how retail store employees can protect themselves and customers against ongoing health risks.

Rideshare, Taxi, Limo, and other Passenger Drivers-for-Hire
Find out how to safely provide rideshare, taxi, or other passenger drivers-for-hire work and protect yourself from ongoing health risks.

Small Entertainment Venues
Access our Healthier Workplaces: Guidance for Small and Medium Sports and Entertainment Venues, 2nd edition, guidelines for proven strategies to help protect workers, customers, and visitors from the health risks they face, including tips to avoid COVID-19.

Street & Farmers’ Market Vendors
Read our Healthier Workplaces: Guidance for Street Vendors and Farmers’ Markets, 2nd edition guidelines for proven strategies to help protect food vendors and customers from the health risks they face, including tips to avoid COVID-19.