To best serve the occupational and environmental health and safety (OEHS) community, it’s important that we understand the current issues and emerging trends impacting the profession. Throughout the year, AIHA works with Volunteer Groups to publish a variety of thought leadership and content, also known as Bodies of Work, to spread awareness on topics that are strategic for the development of the OEHS field.

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72 Resources

Recognition, Evaluation, and Control of Indoor Mold, 2nd edition provides the most current and comprehensive discussion on the basic practice of identifying mold damage, the evaluation of the samples that are collected, and the process of remediation. Its 20 chapters cover the underlying principles and background of evaluation and control, building evaluation, data interpretation, remediation, and control. Images of mold found in building exterior and interior are provided in the Appendix.

What is Mold?

For more than a decade, mold has been in the news. People are talking about the effect on population health and damage to the building. But what are the risks and issues? A number of agencies have guidelines that include protective measures for mold remediation and cleaning.